Teacher Creativity
Teacher Creativity redefines professional development by empowering educators with design thinking to overcome instructional challenges specific to their classroom environment. This framework not only challenges attitudes toward creativity in teaching but also increases teacher agency by enhancing problem-solving skills and facilitating the validation of ideas based on their impact on students in the classroom.
Student-Centered Design
A design-based approach to creativity that clarifies instructional challenges and emphasizes the needs and wants of different student groups.
Innovation Despite Constraints
A creative process that recognizes environmental factors in the classroom and categorizes them into opportunities and constraints.
Long-Term Professional Growth
A journey of exploration and experimentation that checks assumptions, monitors bias, and promotes an ongoing effort to validate ideas.
Tutorial 1:What is Creativity?
Scholars define creativity as the production of new and valuable outcomes and their relationship with a social context. This tutorial introduces creativity in the context of teaching and learning.
Tutorial 2:Social Context
The classroom represents a social context for Teacher Creativity, so we need to consider how teachers interact with the various elements that make up that environment.
Tutorial 3:Audience
Teacher creativity considers the actions we take in response to challenges we experience in the classroom and the outcomes we produce because of those actions.
Tutorial 4:Affordances
Elementor is the ultimate page builder for WordPress websites. Its intuitive drag-and-drop interface allows you to build any layout you can imagine in minutes, all while boosting your productivity and eliminating manual coding.
Tutorial 5:Teacher Creativity
Every teacher and educator experiences problems; how we identify challenges and work despite constraints speaks to the concept of Teacher Creativity.
Tutorial 6: Outcomes
Elementor is the ultimate page builder for WordPress websites. Its intuitive drag-and-drop interface allows you to build any layout you can imagine in minutes, all while boosting your productivity and eliminating manual coding.
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Let’s connect to discuss my approach to teacher creativity and how it can support technology use and professional development at your school.